Navigating your business finances doesn’t have to be complicated.

I help create order out of the chaos that is running a business.

Empowering you to feel in control of your business’ finances so you can focus your energy on growing your business instead of stressing out about the IRS.


About me


Dorothy Toader

Hi! I’m Dorothy, a first generation immigrant from Romania. I am the daughter of incredibly hard-working parents who came to the US in search of a brighter future and a better life for their family. I watched my parents work tirelessly to build two very successful businesses and had a front row seat to the ins and outs of entrepreneurship from a young age. I’ve been making sense of my dad’s “shoebox of receipts” since I was 12 so I understand firsthand how overwhelming it can be to keep everything straight.

I have a degree in Accounting from Portland State University and spent over 7 years working in Corporate Accounting for Intel Corporation. The majority of my career was focused on process efficiency to drive greater operational effectiveness. Simply put: working smarter, not harder. I strongly believe the skills I gained in the corporate world can help the small business owner do just that.

In 2022, I left the corporate world to start DT Consulting because I am passionate about seeing small business owners succeed. But with a regulatory landscape that is growing increasingly confusing by the day, on top of the pressure to beat out the big box stores, small business owners are facing greater challenges than ever before just to survive. With my expertise, we can manage all of these nuances, so that you as a business owner can succeed in your endeavors.


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.